Bailey Lab for CRISPR Research at Johns Hopkins University

Elizabeth Walder visiting Professor Scott Bailey’s laboratory at Johns Hopkins University in July 2019. Photo credit: Chris Hartlove.

Elizabeth Walder visiting Professor Scott Bailey’s laboratory at Johns Hopkins University in July 2019. Photo credit: Chris Hartlove.


Studying the structure and mechanics of CRISPR systems

Scott Bailey is an associate professor in the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health's Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Bailey’s research focuses on understanding how CRISPR systems work at the molecular level. CRISPR was discovered for its ability to protect bacteria from harmful viruses, but is now more widely known as a genome editing tool with transformative potential. The Bailey lab studies the structure and mechanistic aspects of how CRISPR works, with a particular interest in how they identify and destroy their targets.

The lab uses a variety of techniques to determine the structure of CRISPR molecules. Our support will allow for lab expansion and for researchers to apply an advanced imaging technique called cryo-electron microscopy. Funding also supports communications and education activities for Bailey’s lab and the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.


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