Biota Awards Application Guide


This guide contains instructions to complete an application for the 2025 Biota Postdoctoral Fellowships, including document formatting and proposal guidelines. Please review the entire guide BEFORE beginning the application process.

Complete applications are due by 5 p.m. CT on October 8, 2024

Watch Informational Webinar Recording

Biota Award Postdoctoral Fellowships aim to support emerging leaders in biodiversity and conservation science during the postdoctoral phase of their career at institutions and organizations in the Chicago region. Through this program we hope to attract and retain exceptional postdoctoral scientists in Chicago, encourage postdoctoral scientists to think creatively and independently about how their research can be applied to deliver on-the-ground results, and develop a more inclusive and equitable biodiversity research community by supporting fellows from a wide range of backgrounds.

Walder Foundation Biota Postdoctoral Fellowships (“Grants”) are two-year awards. Funding will be granted to Chicago region institutions (“Grantee Organizations”) rather than individual researchers. The Foundation will make up to five awards. The Grants will include:

  • Annual salary of $65,000 for the postdoctoral fellow

  • Fringe benefits at the Grantee Organization’s rate for postdocs

  • Annual research and travel allowance of $20,000

  • Up to $3,000 in relocation costs if moving from outside of the Chicago region 

  • Indirect costs of up to 15%

The Biota Awards Postdoctoral Fellowships Program is intended to support postdocs at institutions in the Chicago region*. This means that researchers may already be located in, or will move to, the region to take up a position funded by this Grant, if awarded, at a Grantee Organization.  Researchers that are currently based outside of the region (either completing a PhD, working as a postdoc) are encouraged to apply by developing a proposal with a Chicago region based adviser. If successful, the researcher would need to move to the region to take up employment at a local Grantee Organization. 

The geographic focus of the research is not restricted and projects may focus on biodiversity and conservation topics relevant to the Chicago region, or elsewhere.

*The Chicago region is broadly defined as the Metropolitan Statistical Area according to the US Census Bureau.


By the Grant start date (i.e., no later than November 30, 2025) the researcher must:

  • Hold a Ph.D. or other doctoral degree.

  • Hold a full-time postdoctoral position at an academic, nonprofit, or government research institution located in the Chicago region that is a governmental unit or a registered Section 501(c)3, 509(a)(1) or 509(a)(2) public charity or is working with a fiscal sponsor that meets this requirement.

  • Reside in the Chicago region throughout the duration of the grant period. The Grant will provide up to $3,000 in relocation assistance for those moving into the region. 

  • Have established a primary research advisor (Principal Investigator) that is based at the Grantee Organization in the Chicago region. 

  • Have no more than three years of cumulative postdoctoral experience. Walder Foundation may consider a special exception in certain circumstances, specifically for family or medical leave. Contact for special exception approval.

In addition:

  • If awarded, the researcher must begin the fellowship by November 30, 2025. 

  • Researchers must remain at the Grantee Organization for the two-year fellowship period, and in most cases funding is not portable. If a researcher wishes to move from one Chicago-based institution to another, Walder Foundation may consider a special exception in appropriate circumstances; however, in all cases, the Grantee Organization must agree to any such change.

  • The researcher should make every reasonable effort to attend Biota Awards convenings held by Walder Foundation to share progress on the work funded through this program, including the celebration event likely to be held in June 2025.

  • Please let us know if you wish to withdraw your application at any time.

Walder Foundation is committed to fostering a culture of diversity, equity, accessibility, and inclusion and recognizes the value of diverse experiences and perspectives towards achieving this goal. We encourage applications from individuals with a demonstrated commitment to fostering diversity, equity, accessibility and inclusion in STEM and environmental science, and improving outcomes for underrepresented communities. 


Walder Foundation is seeking proposals in all areas of biodiversity and conservation science, from the molecular to landscape scale. The Foundation is particularly interested in the development and application of interdisciplinary projects with potential to bridge academic research and conservation practice. These approaches would contribute to understanding, protecting, and restoring biodiversity by elevating research outcomes that have potential to deliver on-the-ground results, or developing new methodologies for conservation and biodiversity monitoring. This might also include community and participatory science, incorporation/application of Traditional Ecological Knowledge, and participation in the training/mentorship of the next generation of biodiversity scientists through internships, undergraduate research projects, etc. 

Researchers may partner with conservation organizations and/or be co-advised by a conservation practitioner to help maximize the potential for research to result in on-the-ground outcomes. 

We are interested in research focused on biodiversity and conservation in the Chicago region, as well as research based at Chicago region institutions but focused on critical ecosystems, threatened and endangered species, and biodiversity hotspots outside of Chicago. 

Through this opportunity the Foundation hopes to contribute to a more diverse, inclusive, welcoming, and equitable biodiversity research community. We encourage applications and participation by those with a demonstrated commitment to serving underrepresented communities in the environmental sciences.


Applications will be reviewed by an expert Advisory Committee of leading scientists and practitioners. Proposals will be assessed according to the following criteria:

Research focus - The extent to which the project addresses a significant gap or need for biodiversity science.

Leadership potential - The extent to which the researcher is a current or potential future leader in biodiversity science and its application.

Impact potential - The extent to which the researcher shows a desire to create meaningful on-the-ground impact from their research. 

Building the field - The extent to which the researcher and proposed work contribute to building a more diverse, inclusive, and equitable biodiversity research sector.


Application opens: JUNE 18, 2024

Application closes: OCTOBER 8, 2024, at 5 p.m. CT

Application review: OCTOBER 2024-JANUARY 2025

Applicants notified: MARCH 2025

Fellowships Begin: MARCH-NOVEMBER 2025

Grants expended by: NOVEMBER 2027

Biota Awards Celebration Event: JUNE 2025



A complete application requires submitting an online form, uploading documents and submitting a video abstract. You must create an account in the Walder Foundation’s grants management system, foundationConnect. To create an account, you will need the applicant organization’s EIN. Please work with your applicant organization’s sponsored research or development department on the online application.

1. Create an account in foundationConnect and save an application.

Click on the button below and choose “Create New Account”:

You will receive a confirmation email from Click on the link in the email to verify your email address. You will receive a second email from Click the link in the second email to create your password, sign in to your account, and start and save a new application. To save an application, complete the first field, Project Title (you can change this later), and then choose Save. If you do not enter and save a Project Title, your application will not save.

IMPORTANT: If you do not start your application immediately after receiving the confirmation email, you will need to return to this page and click the link above to be directed to the Biota Awards application form.

If you are already registered in our grants management system, click on the link above and choose “Sign In” and you will be directed to the application form.

2. Continue to work on and complete your application.

Once you have saved an application, use the link below to resume work and submit your application:

Walder Foundation Grantee Portal

You can log in any time (up until the deadline) to work on your application and save your progress.

We recommend creating your account early to familiarize yourself with the system and the application form.

An automated email confirmation is generated upon submission of the application. If you do not receive a confirmation within 24 hours of submitting your application, please check your spam folder and then contact:

The Walder Foundation is working to improve our grantmaking practices through survey feedback at important milestones in the grantmaking process from the initial contact to the close of a funded grant.

 Please look out for automated emails requesting that you participate in five-minute anonymous surveys about your experiences with us. (Safelist to ensure you receive these emails).

Applications must be submitted by 5 p.m. CT on October 8, 2024

Below are details about the information required for each part of the application:


Request Overview

  • Project title

  • Request amount

  • Website for applicant or research group (optional)

  • Geographic focus of research (select from the drop-down list)

  • Executive summary (up to 1,500 characters)

  • How did you hear about Biota Awards?

  • By the start of the grant period, how many years of cumulative postdoctoral experience will you have?

  • Your demographic information (race, national origin, and gender)

Applicant Organization Information

  • Legal name

  • Address

  • Phone

  • Tax ID (EIN)

  • Mission

  • Year Founded

  • Budget

  • Month and Day of Fiscal Year End

  • Website

  • Facebook and Twitter handles (optional)

Your Contact Information

  • Name

  • Pronoun

  • Title

  • Department

  • Address

  • Phone

  • Email

Contact Information, including name, pronoun, email, phone, title, address for the following:

  • Postdoctoral research lead

  • Research adviser

  • Grant agreement contact at Grantee Organization to review/sign the agreement

  • Payment contact for grant payments

  • Communications contact to coordinate grant publicity 

Goals (3-5 goals for your proposed research)


In addition to the online form, applicants will need to prepare documents to upload to foundationConnect. There are 8 separate documents to prepare for upload, listed and then detailed below.

The following should be uploaded to your application:

1-Research proposal

2-Budget narrative

3-Line-item budget

4-Applicant’s CV

The following should be uploaded to the “other” section in foundationConnect:

5-Diversity, equity and inclusion statement

6-Career development plan

7-Letter of support from proposed advisor at applicant organization in the Chicago region

8-Two letters of reference 

9-Video summary completed via Hireflix platform (see below details)


The research proposal, budget narrative, diversity, equity and inclusion statement, and career development plan must follow the formatting guidelines. Files must be saved as Word or PDFs, except the line-item budget, which should use the Excel template provided below.

Documents should be formatted as follows:

  • Arial, Calibri, or Times New Roman font

  • 11-point font or larger

  • At least 0.5” margins on all sides

  • Single-spacing

  • Standard character spacing (neither expanded nor condensed)

Documents that do not adhere to these restrictions may not be reviewed.

1-RESEARCH PROPOSAL (up to 5 pages excluding citations)

The page limits noted below are only guidelines for the individual sections. The entire research proposal should not exceed five pages.

Project Background (~1-2 pages)

Describe the background and previous work that has led to this project. Include a brief review of the literature and, if relevant, any examples of similar projects that have been successful elsewhere. Explain why this research is needed, the specific problem/s you are trying to solve, its relevance for conservation, and the solutions that the work aims to provide.

Project Aims and Objectives (~1 page)

Describe the specific goals of the project and specify any hypotheses that will be tested. Describe any goals for translating the research into potential solutions and on-the-ground outcomes.

Project Design, Approach, and Timeline (~2 pages)

Describe your planned approach and study design for specific project aims and objectives, including key milestones, as well as any supporting services (e.g., community engagement) you may need to complete your work. If applicable, outline any key dependencies between activities or interim milestones that will influence project decisions or directions. Describe your approach to ensuring your work will result in on-the-ground outcomes.

Potential Broader Impacts and On-the-ground Outcomes (~0.5-1 page)

Describe how you expect your work to inform and result in on-the-ground conservation outcomes. Indicate any partnerships required to achieve these outcomes and the impact this work will have on the wider research and conservation community.

Collaborations (~0.5 page)

Describe the key collaborations and partnerships in this work and their roles. Please indicate whether specific partnerships are already established, identified but not established, or not yet established. If appropriate, you may upload a letter of support from any key collaborators that describes their role in the project in the ‘other uploads section – please note this is optional.

Works Cited (not counted in the total 5-page limit)

List any published works cited in the project proposal. Citations should include all authors’ names, article/journal title (or preprint server name), book/article title, and publication year.

2-BUDGET NARRATIVE (0.5-1 page)

Summarize the budget needs of the project and how the annual $20,000 research and travel allowance will be used to support your work. Indicate whether you will have access to any other funding support during the course of the fellowship (e.g. existing grants in your adviser’s lab). Please note that a match is not required.

3-LINE-ITEM BUDGET: DOWNLOAD the budget template.

Instructions for completing the budget can be found in the first sheet of the Excel workbook. 



Part A

Describe your activities to date related to fostering a culture of diversity, equity, and inclusion in the scientific and/or conservation communities, including, without limitation, service of underrepresented and marginalized communities.  This might include examples of teaching and mentoring, engagement with professional societies, task forces, and committees, community engagement and outreach activities.

Discuss how these experiences inform the work proposed here, and any activities you anticipate undertaking during the fellowship period to foster a culture of diversity, equity, and inclusion in biodiversity and conservation science.

Part B

If there is an important aspect of your personal background or identity that you are comfortable voluntarily sharing with the Foundation, we invite you to do so here.  Examples might include significant challenges in access to education, socioeconomic factors, identification with a race, gender, or religion and how such factors have shaped your interest in pursuing a career in biodiversity and conservation science.


Provide a personal statement that outlines your career trajectory to date and interest in the Biota Awards Postdoctoral Fellowship program. Use the following to frame your response:

  • Describe your career to date, including challenges you have faced, barriers you have overcome, and key achievements.

  • Describe your short- and long-term career goals and explain how this fellowship will help you achieve them.

  • Identify any specific experiences you seek or skills you wish to develop that will help you achieve your professional goals.


Letter from your proposed advisor at the applicant organization where you will be based. The letter should explain why the researcher is well suited to conduct the proposed research and explain what resources the applicant organization will make available to the researcher and how the proposed project aligns with the applicant organization’s mission and confirm that details provided in the application (e.g. fringe benefit and indirect cost rates) are approved by the applicant organization. The letter should also state that the advisor agrees to support the researcher and project for the duration of the fellowship and that the researcher will be employed by the applicant organization for the duration of the Grant. The Foundation may contact your proposed advisor in relation to your application.


Letters of reference should speak to the researcher’s qualifications and suitability for leading this research. Letters should articulate the researcher’s unique qualities and highlight key aspects of experience and previous accomplishments. Letters should be written by people who can speak to the researcher’s experience, skills, and commitment to the field, such as former advisors, colleagues, former colleagues, partner organizations, and collaborators. The Foundation may contact your references in relation to your application.


A video recording up to five minutes in length that will be used to provide a summary of the applications to Walder Foundation leadership. Videos should be recorded online and submitted using the Hireflix website (see instructions below).

You should be prepared to respond the following prompt:

In up to 5 minutes, please provide an overview of your career to date including your main accomplishments. Please outline your goals for future development and how a Biota postdoctoral fellowship would help to achieve them.

Hireflix instructions:

  1. Go to the Hireflix website.

  2. Enter your name and email address and click Start Interview.

  3. Check for an email from Hireflix with a unique link to record your video. Be sure to check your spam folder if you don’t see the email in your inbox.

  4. To begin, press Start Interview. You will first be prompted to confirm your video and audio settings.

  5. Press Start Interview again to proceed to the video recording page. Recording will begin automatically after a 60-second countdown. Or you can begin recording at any time by choosing Answer Now.

  6. You may re-record your video as many times as you wish.


For clarification about research priorities, eligibility, or scientific requirements, please contact

For inquiries about the online application, please contact

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